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Woodpecker Removal Services in Allison Park

The state of Pennsylvania is home to hundreds of species of birds, including the woodpecker. The infamous bird is known by its bold coloring and for constantly drilling its beak into trees. Because of this, woodpeckers have become a loud nuisance to Allison Park, PA home and business owners. Fortunately, the woodpecker removal experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh are here to help.

Damages Woodpeckers Cause

Wooden buildings are especially at risk to woodpecker damage because the birds drill as both a survival and social activity. While they may not pose a health risk to humans, woodpeckers can cause significant property damage when they drill small holes to search for food or larger ones for nesting.

Woodpecker holes can appear on the sides of buildings, eaves, and trim boards, as well as on trees around your property. In addition to threatening your structure’s integrity, it leaves your property vulnerable to other pests that enter, nest, breed, and can spread infection and disease.

Safe and Effective Woodpecker Removal

Some DIY bird removal and deterrent methods may temporarily relocate woodpeckers, but the birds are harder to get rid of the longer they stick around. Instead of wasting your time and energy on ineffective solutions, rely on the wildlife removal experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh to quickly take care of your woodpecker problem.

Our professional team uses safe and eco-friendly methods to humanely remove woodpeckers from your property. We’re well-versed in woodpecker behavior patterns to ensure the birds remain protected throughout the removal process. Our four-step process includes:

  1. Inspection – A licensed and trained technician will conduct a walkthrough of your property to determine the size and extent of your woodpecker problem.
  2. Removal – All woodpeckers are safely deterred and removed from your property.
  3. Exclusion – Any woodpecker entry points are sealed to prevent the bird from returning.
  4. Restoration – Any property damage caused by the woodpeckers is restored to its original condition.

Allison Park Woodpecker Removal Professionals

The experienced wildlife removal technicians at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh will quickly and safely remove nuisance pests from your Allison Park, PA property and keep them from returning.

To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our humane and effective woodpecker removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

Get them out.
Keep them out.
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