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Bird Removal Services in Mt. Lebanon

Birds are very creative when it comes to finding a new habitat; their ability to fly and their small size make frequent nesting easy. However, if a bird decides to nest on your Greater Pittsburgh area property, there may be little you can do about it. Due to laws like the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, many birds are protected by law, so it is important that you do not attempt DIY bird removal.

If invasive and nuisance birds have become a regular disturbance to your day-to-day lifestyle, the best and safest way to deal with them is to contact Critter Control® of Pittsburgh for effective and legal Mt. Lebanon bird removal services.

Common Bird Issues Around Pittsburgh

Despite their unimposing stature, birds can cause significant damage to residential and commercial properties. Here are a few of the damaging effects a nuisance bird can have on your Mt. Lebanon property:

  1. Yard damage – Birds will often eat agricultural products and wreck your vegetation.
  2. Disease spread – Birds can contaminate your agriculture with various diseases or ectoparasites that are a direct threat to humans.
  3. Odorous contamination – Birds will leave messy and foul droppings on your roof, vehicles, walls, and attic floorboards.
  4. Noisy singing –Birds like to nest around roofs, attics, and windowsills, which can cause you to hear unpleasant chirping and squawking noises during the early morning hours.

If you notice excessive bird noises, droppings, strong odors, or feathers scattered throughout your yard or home, do not attempt to deal with the pests on your own. Do-it-yourself wildlife removal methods are often ineffective, unsafe, and illegal. To avoid possible fines and imprisonment, call the wildlife removal experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh immediately to handle your nuisance bird problem.

Safe and Legal Mt. Lebanon Bird Removal

Wild birds on your property can cause more than just an early morning wake-up call, so for all your nuisance wildlife issues, Critter Control® of Pittsburgh is here to help. Our experienced pest removal technicians will remove any unwanted wildlife from your property fast and efficiently—saving you time and money in the process.

Our licensed technicians are knowledgeable about protective bird laws and regulations and will use humane methods to completely deter nuisance birds away from your Pennsylvania property. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our Mt. Lebanon bird removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

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Keep them out.
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