The Steel City may be tough as iron, but no home is immune to the countless squirrel invasions that occur annually in the Greater Pittsburgh area. As Pennsylvania squirrels threaten to insulate your attic, all hope is not lost. We have listed a number of ways to help you drive these fuzzy, yet pesky, rodents out of your attic and back to where the sun shines.
Odorous solutions like ammonia or natural repellents scented with predator urine can help get rid of squirrels in the attic. When using these repellents, protect your lungs, hands, and eyes by wearing a mask, gloves, and goggles to avoid irritation in these areas. Your goal is to get the squirrels itching, not yourself.
Squirrels are like deer in headlights when exposed to irritatingly shiny objects. To send nesting squirrels scurrying, install motion-activated lights, aluminum foil, or blinking Christmas lights in your attic.
Battery-operated or non ultrasonic sound transmitters like radios can be an effective way to get rid of squirrels in the attic. Playing a talk show or podcast just loud enough for the squirrels to hear is enough to send these critters crawling outside.
Only humane squirrel trapping may be legal in your area; therefore, you will want to invest in live-catch squirrel traps. However, getting the right squirrel in the right trap involves using the right bait.
Fortunately, squirrels are attracted to nature’s candy: nuts and fruit. Common pantry or refrigerator items can make for cheap and efficient bait to tempt squirrels in traps. Items likely lying around your kitchen include peanuts, peanut butter, and apple slices.
Place your baited traps near openings or in areas of high squirrel activity. Once the squirrel is hoodwinked into taking the bait, it can be released back to his natural habitat. However, gloves are needed to handle the unpredictable and wild rodents.
While the above tips may provide temporary relief from your squirrel problem, ultimately, your best bet to permanently get rid of squirrels in the attic is to leave it to wildlife removal professionals. Instead of attempting to remove nuisance squirrels on your own, contact the professionals at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh to ensure humane squirrel trapping methods.
For 40 years, the licensed and trained specialists at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh have safely and effectively handled the removal of nuisance squirrels from homes and businesses across the Greater Pittsburgh area. Additionally, we offer attic restoration services for any damages caused by invasive critters.
To schedule an inspection and receive a free estimate for our safe and legal squirrel removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.
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