How to Pest-Proof Your Home with DIY Techniques

While your home may seem pest-proof, all it takes is one small opening for a large pest infestation to begin. It’s important to regularly check your home for areas of exposure, making sure it’s safe and secure from potential pest problems. Here are some DIY pest control methods you can implement to help prevent pests from entering your Pittsburgh property.

Easy DIY Pest Control Techniques

You can pest-proof your home using the following DIY pest control techniques:

  • Check for gaps: Several areas of your home’s exterior can be vulnerable to infestations including the siding, trim, doors, windows, garage door, dryer vents, and foundation. Conduct a walkthrough of the inside and outside of your home to look for any gaps, holes, or openings. Most gaps can be sealed with copper mesh, foam sealant, caulk, and weatherstripping to keep pests out.
  • Get rid of moisture: A wet environment, especially around soil or mulch, provides critical moisture that pests need to thrive. Try to keep the areas around your home as dry as possible. Moisture-wicking soil should be placed away from your home and regularly raked to keep it dry. Bushes and tree limbs should also be trimmed away from the exterior walls of your home, so they don’t create extra moisture or opportunities for pests to access your gutters or roof. Use a dehumidifier in areas like your basement or attic to eliminate water sources for thirsty pests.
  • Eliminate food sources: Your pet food may be eaten by more than just your furry friends. Pet food should never be stored outside. Instead, keep pet food inside in airtight, metal bins. Perishable goods should also be kept in sealed containers that are hard to gnaw through. Double-bag your trash and store your tightly sealed garbage bins in a dry space to prevent unwanted attention from pests.

The Benefits of Hiring Pest Control Experts

While DIY pest control can be effective in preventing intrusions or eliminating small pests, such methods can be ineffective in stopping larger invasive critter issues. To ensure permanent and effective pest control, you’ll want a professional on your side. Fortunately, Critter Control® of Pittsburgh is here to help.

Your Pittsburgh Pest Control Professionals

The experienced pest control technicians at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh will quickly and safely remove nuisance pests from your property and keep them from returning. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our pest control services, call us today at 412-767-4067.

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