wildlife removal

4 Key Steps Homeowners Need to Prevent Wildlife Infestations

Nothing is worse than an unexpected house guest, be it the in-laws, solicitors, or worse, nuisance wildlife. Even the newest houses on the market are vulnerable to visits from hungry pests. The only surefire way to prevent wildlife infestations on your property is to take the following necessary precautions to make sure the great outdoors stays outdoors.

How to Prevent Wildlife Infestations

  1. Maintain a clean property.

Animals are constantly on the lookout for food. Any piece of trash in your yard could be seen as a gourmet meal for hungry critters. In order to prevent wildlife infestations from taking over your property, always make sure to keep your exterior free of any potential food sources.

Some of the most common residential areas that attract wildlife include garbage cans, gardens, grills, bird feeders, and pet food bowls. To keep animals out, be sure to clean and remove any of these food sources as well as any debris that wildlife can nest in. Also trim back overgrown vegetation, and purchase trash cans with secure, lockable lids or coverings.

  1. Keep up routine repairs.

Some of the easiest ways for animals to find their way onto your property are through sections of your house that have fallen into disrepair. Animals such as rodents and raccoons are more flexible than many people suspect, with some rodents being able to fit through holes as small as a quarter, and bugs through even smaller gaps. Such pests can instinctively find their way through small imperfections that form in your home over time. To prevent wildlife infestations from forming, make sure you’re maintaining key infiltration spots by:

  • Repairing any holes in the house’s foundation.
  • Filling weeping holes in brick structures with metal screening.
  • Using caulk to block any remaining holes and cracks.
  • Conducting routine inspections on any repairs made to keep the critters at bay.
  1. Install additional protections.

Most houses have a few natural entryways like vents, gutters, and chimneys that can’t be blocked. These areas of exposure can allow wildlife infestations to develop. If wild animals are using these entry points into your property, the best approach is to buy specialized guards and coverings that obstruct the entryway while maintaining its standard use.

  1. Contact wildlife infestation removal experts.

No matter how carefully a homeowner prepares their home, wild animals can still find their way inside. To prevent the costly damage and widespread contamination of a wildlife infestation, you should enlist the services of trained and certified wildlife removal professionals, like the experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Rely on Professional Services to End Your Wildlife Infestations

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, our team specializes in the quick and humane removal of unwanted pests and keeps them gone for good through the use of safe, non-toxic, and permanent methods.

To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our fast and efficient wildlife infestation removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.


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