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Natural Repellents for Raccoons, Rats, and Squirrels: Keeping Them at Bay

Raccoons, rats, and squirrels are several species of wildlife that are commonly found in the Greater Pittsburgh area. While these critters generally keep their distance from humans, they can become a nuisance if they wander into your property in search of food. Here are some natural pest control repellents to help keep these pests away from your property.

Natural Pest Control Repellents for Invasive Critters

If you suspect raccoons, rats, or squirrels have made a home in your house or backyard, try some of the following natural, non-invasive methods.

  • Keep your yard clean: Discourage local wildlife from taking a snack from your garden by quickly harvesting any ripe produce. Also, be sure to pick up any nuts, acorns, or rotting produce that falls off nearby trees. If you have pets, remove their bowls from your porch and keep their food in a sealed container inside your home. Your trash and compost bins should also be tightly sealed with lockable lids so critters can get inside them.
  • Use pepper: Red pepper flakes can easily be sprinkled into your soil to keep unwanted wildlife away. The heat from the strong peppery scent will discourage pests with sensitive noses from digging around, and it won’t affect how your plants grow.
  • Hang some soap: Strong-smelling soap or diluted dish detergent is overwhelming to several of these critters’ noses. Place a bar or cup of soap near their known nesting grounds to drive them off your property.
  • Scare them off: Most wild animals are skittish and will run away if they feel threatened. Use this to your advantage by installing motion-activated lights or sprinklers that can catch them in the act. Rubber snakes and decoy owls can also mimic their natural predators and help to scare them away.

Benefits of Professional Pest Control Services

While the above natural pest control repellents may temporarily prevent pests like raccoons, rats, and squirrels from nesting on your property, such outdated DIY methods will do little to stop a full blown infestation. The only permanent way to keep pests away is by hiring professional pest control services. If you have a wildlife issue or want to prevent one from starting, rely on the professionals at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Your Greater Pittsburgh Area Pest Control Professionals

The licensed and experienced pest control technicians at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh will quickly and safely remove invasive wildlife from your Pennsylvania property and keep them from returning. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate, call us today at 412-767-4067.

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