Preventing Pests in the Workplace: Best Practices for Business Owners

Preventing Pests in the Workplace: Best Practices for Business Owners

No business owner wants to deal with the hassle of exterminating an infestation on their property. Getting rid of pests can be costly, and repair bills from the damage pests have caused can sometimes even exceed that. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to prevent pests from infesting your place of business.

Commercial Pest Control Prevention Methods

  • Store Food Properly –Pests find their way onto commercial properties for two reasons: food or shelter. Both of these things can be found in improperly stored food, be it in pantries or trashcans. Storing all food in sealed containers is the most foolproof way to prevent pests from accessing it. However, simply shutting all containers tightly and   goes a long way in reducing the need for commercial pest control services.
  • Keep a Clean Workplace –Humans are messy, and everything from our leftover lunch to the dust around your desk can attract pests. Keeping a clean workplace is key to stopping a potential infestation from forming right under your nose. Cleaning and sweeping up crumbs, wiping down counters, and washing dishes all take but a few minutes, but go a long way in preventing pests.
  • Maintain Repairs –While pests themselves can cause damage to your commercial property, damage that’s already present can attract them. Holes in the roof or exposed openings serve as the perfect entryways for pests. Some pests are also attracted to the cold and moist environment formed by leaky pipes.

    Such repairs are not limited to the inside of a property. Exterior landscaping is also key to preventing pests from entering a business. Large piles of refuse, cluttered gutters, and untamed grass all serve as luxury condominiums for pests. This could lead to them exploring the property further for food, or attempting to relocate indoors if their homes are suddenly disturbed.
  • Inspect Incoming Items –Pests love hiding in the places people least expect. One of the simplest ways for preventing pests from getting into your place of business is to inspect incoming items, particularly cardboard packages and furniture, to make sure no pests have built hidden nests inside of them.
  • Call a Commercial Pest Control Service –When it comes to pest control prevention, no DIY method is more effective than hiring an experienced and accredited commercial pest control service. Not only can they remove any unwanted pests from your property, but pest control experts also know the most effective ways of preventing pests from invading in the first place.

Reliable Commercial Pest Control Professionals in Pittsburgh

The experienced commercial pest control technicians at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh will quickly and safely remove nuisance pests and other invasive wildlife from your Pennsylvania commercial property and keep them from returning. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our fast and efficient commercial pest control services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

The Impact of Pests on Businesses: Why Commercial Pest Control is Crucial

The Impact of Pests on Businesses: Why Commercial Pest Control is Crucial

Pests may be small, but they can have a big impact on your business. Unforeseen pest infestations can lead to significant damage to your business, from your building’s infrastructure to your customers’ peace of mind. Reliable commercial pest control is key in curbing the destructive effects of a plague of pesky pests.

The Risks of Commercial Pest Infestations

  • State Regulatory Fines & Penalties –Every industry has rules barring the presence of pests on a commercial property. If you run a restaurant, infestations can cause your business to incur severe penalties if pests are found during a routine inspection. It’s best to hire commercial pest control professionals early to exterminate the problem and install preventative measures to avoid costly fines or potential closures.
  • Damaged Reputation –Nobody likes to find a fly in their soup or a bug in their bed. The presence of pests on a commercial property can severely hamper a business’ reputation, leading to a potential loss of revenue as repeat customers stop returning and new clients stay away.

    Even if a business doesn’t have an active infestation, consultation from a commercial pest control service could actually help bolster their reputation. Many customers may find peace of mind in knowing, beyond a reasonable doubt, that there are no pests on the premises.
  • Structural Damage –Pests aren’t just nuisances to people. They can cause real damage to the building a business resides in. Termites and other similar insects can eat away at the foundation of wooden structures, small animals can tear up insulation to build a nest, and rats can destroy the wires of electrical equipment.

    All of these damages can be costly to repair, and if the damage is severe enough, it could require a complete remodel. These costs quickly add up to more than even the most expensive commercial pest control service, which doesn’t include the revenue lost when your business is shut down for repairs.
  • Employee Injury or Sickness –Employees are the lifeblood of any business, and a pest infestation puts them at direct risk. Pests are infamous vectors for disease, leading to severe sickness in team members if left to fester within the walls of a business. Pests can also cause direct injury to employees, with bites, stings, and scratches ranging from painful to deadly.

Effective Commercial Pest Control Services in Pittsburgh, PA

If your commercial property is overrun with nuisance pests, then rely on the commercial pest control experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh. Whether you have an existing pest problem or want to prevent one from ever starting, you can count on us for safe and effective services. To schedule an inspection for your Pennsylvania business and receive a free commercial pest control estimate, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Commercial Pest Control Service

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Commercial Pest Control Service

If you’re a business owner, you know that there are few places where proper pest control is more important than a commercial property. So, if you ever suspect there is a pest infestation growing within your commercial business, it is vital that you act quickly and contact a commercial pest control specialist right away to limit the amount of costly property damage that can occur.

Choosing the Right Commercial Pest Control Service

Opting for the first commercial pest control service provider that you come across is certainly not the way to go; you have to do your research to ensure you’re hiring someone who will thoroughly and permanently rid you of your pest issue. Here are some factors that you should consider to help you choose which commercial pest control service is right for your business.

What to Look for in a Commercial Pest Control Service

  • Respectable Reputation – Looking into a pest control company’s reputation among former customers is a wise thing for potential customers to do. If a pest control company is reputable, they should have a number of positive reviews that can be found online or on their own website. However, if they lack customer testimonies, you can always call up the company and ask if they can provide you with references so you can find out more about the successes or failures of past services. A trustworthy pest control company should be more than happy to provide you with satisfied feedback.
  • Proven Experience – In the pest control industry, experience is everything. In particular, if a pest control company has years of experience in your particular area, then they likely have removed the pests you are dealing with before, as pests vary by location. They also may have worked on a property with similar architecture to the one you own. A pest control company with such experience and insight should have no issue with the infestation you’re dealing with on your property, making them perhaps a better choice than a pest control company that services another area or specializes in pests of a different nature.
  • Reasonable Prices – If you’ve found multiple commercial pest control companies with solid reputations and many years of experience in your area, then another factor that can help you decide is the price of their services. Pest control companies that offer strangely cheap prices might warrant a red flag, as should outrageously priced estimates. That is why it is important to do the above research before considering price, because each infestation is different and will, therefore, cost a different amount. However, the money you save in the long run from cleaning, fumigation, and repair bills related to your infestation will be well worth the initial cost of hiring a commercial pest control professional.

If there are nuisance pests on your Pittsburgh-area commercial property, rely on the effective, safe, and affordable commercial pest control services provided by the experienced experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Choose Greater Pittsburgh’s Commercial Pest Control Experts

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, our dedicated team of licensed and trained pest control technicians have been reliably servicing Pittsburgh-area businesses with quick and efficient commercial pest control services that eliminate existing infestations and prevent new ones from forming.

To schedule an inspection and receive a complimentary estimate for our commercial pest control services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

Top 5 Common Household Pests and How to Identify Them

Top 5 Common Household Pests and How to Identify Them

Have you spotted signs of a nuisance wildlife infestation on your property? Many household pests leave similar signs indicating that they are present, making it somewhat difficult to know what creature you’re dealing with without seeing the creature itself. Here are some of the most common household pests that infest Pittsburgh, PA homes and how you can identify them.

Identifying Common Household Pests

  1. Rodents

While there are many species of rodents that could potentially infest a Pittsburgh-area property, rats and mice are the most common. A good visual indication that you have a mouse infestation rather than a rat infestation is that mice have very small droppings that are typically no bigger than half of a single grain of rice. On the other hand, rats (and their droppings) are usually bigger, longer, and more of a mess. Mice and rats will also chew on molding, furniture, and electrical wires.

  1. Squirrels

Squirrels are a common household pest often found in the walls and attics of residential homes. The agile rodents can easily access households through overhanging branches, roof vents, and chimneys. Once inside, they will scavenge for food and nest in warm, dark spaces. A squirrel infestation can be identified if you notice shredded attic insulation, scratches on your drywall, or an increase of squirrels on your roof or in the trees around your home.

  1. Raccoons

Raccoons are one of the most destructive household pests. A common giveaway sign of the presence of raccoons is knocked over trashcans and litter in the yard. However, nocturnal raccoons are also known to break into homes in search of a midnight snack, shredding window screens and vents in the process.

  1. Bats

During certain seasons of the year, bat infestations increase in residential areas of Pittsburgh due to their mating season. One strong sign that you may have a bat infestation is if you start to smell ammonia around your house, because bat guano tends to give off a toxic ammonia-like scent.

  1. Woodpeckers

If you hear an incessant pecking noise on your trees or against your house, then you’re likely dealing with a woodpecker. Infamous for their pecking behavior, these arboreal birds will probably be heard long before being seen. Nuisance woodpeckers can compromise your trees and create small divots in your home’s siding and along your gutter downspouts. 

If you’re seeking an effective way to remove nuisance pests from your Pittsburgh-area property, call the pest control professionals at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Eliminate Household Pests with Critter Control® of Pittsburgh

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, our team of licensed and experienced pest control technicians are dedicated to safely and humanely removing unwanted household pests from your Pittsburgh-area property, and ensuring they cannot return in the future.

To schedule an inspection of your Pittsburgh-area property and receive a free estimate for our household pest removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

What to Look For When Choosing the Right Pest Control Company

What to Look For When Choosing the Right Pest Control Company

When facing a growing pest infestation, your best choice is to hire a pest control company to quickly remove the pests and clean any messes they left behind. While there are many pest control companies in the Greater Pittsburgh-area offering discounts and fast services, to really get effective results and the most bang for your buck, you should look for the following qualities when deciding which pest control company you’re going to hire.

How to Choose a Pest Control Company

  • Look at Reviews and References

Online customer reviews are one of the best places to start when looking for the right pest control company for you. Reviews from previous customers will give you a good idea of how satisfied or dissatisfied other homeowners were with a specific pest control company’s services. You could even go so far as to ask the company to provide you with references. A pest control company who has done quality work that they are proud of will have no issue providing you with honest references.

  • Ask About Their Licensure

When choosing a pest control company, ensuring their pest control specialists have the proper licensing and certification is vital. Legally, there has to be at least one properly licensed individual in the company in order for the pest control company to be able to administer pesticides, and this license can be verified by contacting your state’s Department of Agriculture.

  • Avoid Package Deals

If you’re looking for a pest control specialist, you should be looking for someone who only specializes in pest control. You may come across companies that offer package deals including pest control paired with things like landscaping services, but it is recommended that you avoid companies like this and opt for one that specializes specifically in pest control, and pest control alone. Companies that solely specialize in pest control are typically going to be able to offer you a more specialized service than jack-of-all-trades “pest control” companies. 

If you’re looking for the right pest control company to remove nuisance pests in and around your Greater Pittsburgh-area property, then turn to the reliable and effective pest control experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Your Licensed, Trained, and Experienced Pittsburgh Pest Control Company

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, our experienced pest control technicians are dedicated to quickly and safely removing any nuisance pests and other invasive wildlife from your Pennsylvania property with our effective and permanent pest control methods.

To schedule an inspection of your property today and receive a complimentary estimate for our efficient and effective pest control services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh at 412-767-4067 today.

Pros and Cons of Effective Pest Control Methods

Pros and Cons of Effective Pest Control Methods

After discovering a pest infestation on your property, your first move will probably be to attack your issue head on. However, each infestation is different and certain species require a specific approach. Often, pests can be difficult to fully eliminate if you lack the proper training and equipment. To help you get back to a pest-free property as soon as possible, here are some different pest control methods and the pros and cons of each.

DIY Pest Control Methods

When you start researching pest control methods online, you’re likely to find many DIY methods that guarantee results. From spreading used coffee grounds around your property to dabbing cotton balls with peppermint oil, there are plenty of pantry staples that may serve as good pest deterrents. Unfortunately, no DIY method has a proven track record of completely eliminating an infestation. Furthermore, DIY methods require persistence. If you’re not frequently replenishing whatever item you’re using to deter the pests, they’ll quickly come back.

Trapping Pest Control Methods

A popular option for removing pests is the trapping method. Traps can easily be purchased from your local store and used to capture invasive pests by using some form of bait to draw the critters in. While traps are relatively effective, they have to be checked, reset, or replaced in order to remain effective. Furthermore, trapping pests also means that you need to handle the creatures once they have been caught, and this can be somewhat dangerous for those who do not have proper wildlife handling training.

Spraying Pest Control Methods

Another method to eradicate pests is spraying chemicals around the home. While pesticides will indeed kill unwanted pests, they can also be toxic to humans and pets. Instead of carelessly spraying harmful chemicals where you live, contact professional pest control technicians who can locate and isolate the pests and remove them using safe, non-toxic methods.

Home Repair Method

Your home likely has areas of exposure that serve as easy entrances for pests. The home repair method suggests that you conduct a thorough inspection to find those holes and cracks and seal them as soon as possible. Of course, this won’t do anything to remove the pests that are already inside of your home, but it may help prevent the infestation from getting any worse.

Professional Pest Control Methods

Ultimately, hiring a pest control professional is the most effective way to eliminate nuisance pests from your property. While the up-front cost of this method may be greater than DIY methods, expert pest control services are the only method that guarantee complete and permanent infestation elimination.

If there are nuisance pests infesting your Pittsburgh-area property, trust the safe and affordable services provided by the licensed and trained pest control experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Rely on Your Pittsburgh-area Pest Control Professionals

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, our experienced pest control technicians will efficiently and humanely remove pests from your property for good. Schedule an inspection of your property and receive a free estimate for our pest control services by calling Critter Control® of Pittsburgh at 412-767-4067 today.

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