10 Effective Ways to Rodent-Proof Your Home and Yard

10 Effective Ways To Rodent-Proof Your Home And Yard

Rats, mice, squirrels and other rodents will often seek shelter inside residential Pittsburgh properties to escape bad weather and predators; however, they’ll stay inside once they’ve found a warm place to nest near your home’s food and water supply. Once nested, rodents will breed and spread contamination throughout your property, posing serious health and structural risks to your family and home. Therefore, rodent-proofing your property is a necessary line of defense to keep unwelcome critters away from your home. Here are 10 ways to strengthen your property against invasive rodents.

Top Rodent-Proofing Strategies

Most rodent-proofing strategies are common home maintenance tasks that are easy to implement. Here are 10 ways to boost your home’s defense against rats and mice.

  1. Seal Entry Points: Rodents can squeeze their bodies through small cracks and holes to make their way inside. Look for any potential entry points, such as gaps around utility pipes, attic vents and your home’s foundation. Fill these gaps with stainless steel mesh or steel wool and caulk.
  2. Repair Door Sweeps: Door sweeps are an effective way to protect your home from the elements and rodents. To keep out unwanted guests, check the weatherstripping around the bottom of your exterior doors to ensure it’s tightly sealed and extends across the whole door.
  3. Safely Store Food: Open bags of perishable goods inside your kitchen pantry are a huge attractors for rodents. Tightly seal open food in glass or metal containers, and clean up crumbs and messes as soon as they happen.
  4. Secure Your Exterior: Rodents often access homes through openings on the roof. To prevent rodents from getting inside, secure your roof’s vents and pipes with metal flashing, a durable material that is difficult for rodents to chew through.
  5. Protect Your Shed: If you have a backyard shed, it’s important to apply these same rat-proofing techniques to make sure rodents don’t use your storage space as a second home.
  6. Clean Nesting Sites: Rodents love to nest in cluttered spaces, such as attics, garages, and basements. Keep these areas as organized and clutter-free as possible to discourage rodents from getting too comfortable.
  7. Tidy Your Yard: An unkempt yard full of thick vegetation, wood piles and debris provides cover for rodents to sneak through. Keep the pests away from your home by pruning back bushes, trimming trees, and clearing away any trash piles near your house.
  8. Use Natural Repellents: Rodents rely on their sense of smell to guide them to food. Use their sensitivity to your advantage by placing scents around your home that overwhelm their senses. Peppermint, pepper, garlic and vinegar are easy-to-find ingredients that rodents can’t stand.
  9. Scare Them Off: Rodents are naturally skittish and tend to flee in fight-or-flight situations. Motion-activated lights or sprinklers are good deterrents that keep them away at night.
  10. Humane Traps: Most home improvement stores sell humane traps that can take care of minor problems. Make sure to release trapped rodents as soon as possible, and let them go at least five miles away from your property.

Professional Rodent Removal Services in Pittsburgh

While DIY rodent removal can be effective, it shouldn’t be your only line of defense. Instead, trust the licensed, trained and experienced experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh to safely and humanely remove nuisance rodents from your property. To schedule your inspection and receive a free rodent removal estimate, call us today at 412-767-4067.

6 Home Remedies to Keep Squirrels Away

6 Home Remedies to Keep Squirrels Away

Squirrels are cute, agile, and often entertaining to watch as they scamper around, but when they take up residence in your home or garden, they can become quite the nuisance. If you’re facing a squirrel problem on your Pittsburgh property, try these home remedies to keep squirrels away.

Natural Home Remedies to Keep Squirrels Away

  1. Mint Oil –Mint oil is known for its strong and pleasant scent, but squirrels find it repulsive. Using mint oil is a natural and safe way to deter these critters.
    – Soak cotton balls in mint oil and place them in areas frequented by squirrels.
    – Refresh the cotton balls periodically to maintain the scent.
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar –The strong odor of apple cider vinegar is another effective deterrent for squirrels.
    – Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
    – Spray this solution on plants, surfaces, or areas where squirrels are causing trouble.
  1. Spices –Spices like cayenne pepper, red pepper flakes, and paprika are natural squirrel repellents due to their spicy scent.
    – Sprinkle these spices in your garden or around potential entry points.
    – Reapply after rain or when the scent fades.
  1. Coffee Grounds –Used coffee grounds have a strong aroma that can help keep squirrels away.
    – Scatter coffee grounds in your garden, around plants, or near squirrel-prone areas.
    – Replace the grounds regularly for maximum effectiveness.
  1. Aluminum Foil –Squirrels dislike the noise and feel of aluminum foil beneath their paws, making it an effective deterrent.
    – Place strips or sheets of aluminum foil in squirrel-prone areas.
    – The noise and texture will deter them from returning.
  2. Predator Decoys –Using decoys that resemble natural squirrel predators, like owls or hawks, can intimidate squirrels and discourage them from entering your property.
    – Strategically place these decoys in your garden or near squirrel entry points.

While these home remedies can be effective for deterring squirrels, a persistent infestation may require professional intervention. Critter Control® of Pittsburgh offers safe, humane, and affordable squirrel removal services provided by licensed, trained, and experienced wildlife control experts.

Your Pittsburgh Squirrel Removal Experts

The experienced squirrel removal technicians at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh will quickly and safely remove nuisance squirrels and other invasive wildlife from your Pennsylvania property and keep them from returning. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our fast and efficient squirrel removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

Does Marigold Keep Squirrels Away?

Does Marigold Keep Squirrels Away?

Right behind rats, squirrels are one of the most difficult invasive rodents to remove from your property. Squirrels have an unyielding desire to chew, and they will gnaw on anything in your property including furniture, storage, and infrastructure. To get rid of squirrels, many homeowners turn to DIY methods and alleged squirrel repellents like onions and Irish spring soap. However, one natural repellant that should not be overlooked is the marigold flower. Easily grown year-round, marigolds can serve a greater purpose other than beautifying your garden. But does marigold keep squirrels away?

How Does Marigold Keep Squirrels Away?

Any garden or area where marigolds are planted has a safe chance of being squirrel-free. Because squirrels have a sensitive sense of smell, the pungent scent of marigolds acts as a natural deterrent for the rodents. Another benefit of the marigold is that the seeds sprout within a few days. So, while still blooming and not fully grown, a bed of marigolds can quickly serve as an all-natural squirrel repellent.

Other Squirrel Repellant Plants

In addition to marigolds, there are other pungent plants that squirrels will try to avoid. Here are five other plants you should consider adding to your garden if squirrels are being a nuisance:

  1. Narcissus (Daffodils)
  2. Common Snowdrops
  3. Allium
  4. Crown Imperial
  5. Common Hyacinth

Like marigolds, these plants all have unpleasant scents that squirrels avoid to protect their sensitive noses. Although planting one or all these plants may keep squirrels at bay, the best, safest, and most effective way to remove squirrels from your property is to contact the wildlife removal experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Effective Squirrel Removal Services in Pittsburgh, PA

The licensed, trained, and experienced squirrel removal technicians at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh will quickly and safely remove nuisance squirrels and other invasive wildlife from your Pennsylvania property and keep them from returning.

To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our fast and efficient squirrel removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

Do Squirrels Make Nests In Tree Branches?

Do Squirrels Make Nests In Tree Branches?

While birds are likely the most popular animal known to occupy trees, squirrels must come in at a close second. But while birds build nests, where do the squirrels live? Do squirrels make nests in tree branches, as well, or do they live inside of the tree?

In actuality, squirrels do make nests in tree branches, but they are known as “dreys.” Here is what you need to know about squirrel dreys and what you should do if you see squirrels building them on your residential property.

What Are Squirrel Dreys Made Of?

Dreys are small, bulbous bunches of natural materials, typically twigs, leaves, and moss. Although, some dreys will even be made of bits of paper and trash. Ultimately, the contents of a squirrel’s drey will vary regionally based on what materials the rodent has access to. If you notice squirrels rummaging through your trash, they may be looking for suitable materials with which to build their dreys, in addition to seeking food.

Where Would I Find a Drey?

Squirrel dreys can be located in various parts of the tree. They are commonly found on top of tree branches but can also be made within the tree cavity. On rare occasions, a squirrel will build a drey close to the ground. However, dreys are typically built high up in trees, sometimes 20 feet high or more, to protect the squirrel from the elements and natural predators.

Why Am I Seeing Dreys on My Property?

Squirrels build dreys for a number of different reasons. Usually, they’ll build dreys when they are raising their young or when they are in need of immediate shelter, like during the winter. TMostly, squirrels will only build dreys in places that they deem safe.

If you are seeing dreys on your property, it is because squirrels feel safe and have likely found access to food nearby. After all, squirrels love properties that have home gardens, bird feeders, or easy access to pet food bowls.  

If you start seeing squirrel dreys in the trees on your property, you might be dealing with the beginning of a squirrel infestation. If so, it is vital that you call the squirrel removal experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh as quickly as possible.

What Should I Do When I See Dreys on My Property?

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, our squirrel removal experts can provide you with effective, safe, and affordable squirrel removal services that will remove nuisance squirrels, take down unwanted dreys, and prevent new squirrels from nesting on your property in the future.

To schedule an inspection of your Pittsburgh-area property and receive a free estimate for our squirrel removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

Is Spray Foam Insulation Rodent Proof?

Is Spray Foam Insulation Rodent Proof?

Greater Pittsburgh area residences and businesses are common targets for rodent infestations. Pests like rats, mice, squirrels like to chew and wiggle their way into area properties in search of food and shelter. Once inside, they can cause costly damages and spread contamination that is difficult to repair and remove. Therefore, you should be diligent about keeping rodents out of your home before an infestation can begin. While there are many methods out there, spray foam insulation is often promoted as a rodent proof insulation that will seal the cracks and crevices that rodents usually use to infiltrate vulnerable properties. But can spray foam insulation really be considered a rodent proof product?

The Truth About Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation is a type of energy efficient home insulation that started seeing prominent use in the 1980s. It is typically used to seal walls, floors, and other parts of the home where cracks are prevalent, thereby keeping insects and pests out and desirable temperatures in. It is popular among homeowners due to its ease of use, as it simply sprays into any crevice, dries quickly, and fills the crack, firmly holding its shape.

Rodent Proof Insulation: Fact or Fiction?

While spray foam insulation does add another protective layer to your property by filling cracks and gaps that rodents could potentially use to gain entry into your home, it cannot really be considered a rodent proof insulation. At the end of the day, spray foam insulation is still a material that rodents can easily chew through, especially if they smell food on the other side. Rats have strong teeth that they regularly use to tunnel through siding, vents, flooring, and drywall, so spray foam insulation doesn’t stand a chance. While it may help to safeguard your home from smaller pests, spray foam insulation will not rodent proof your home.

Enlist Our Experts to Rodent-proof Your Home

Rather than relying on spray foam insulation to keep rodents out, trust the rodent removal experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh to equip your home with the preventative measures needed to truly prevent a rodent infestation.

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, we offer effective, safe, and affordable rodent removal and prevention services. Additionally, all of our services are conducted by licensed, trained, and experienced rodent removal experts who know all of the proper ways to keep rodents out of your home.

For more information on our professional rodent removal services or to schedule an inspection of your property, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

Do Squirrels Deter Rats?

Do Squirrels Deter Rats?

One popular method for deterring pests is introducing another creature to either chase them away or capture and devour them. For the most part, this involves adopting a pet, like a cat or a dog. For rats, snakes are a natural predator; however, there may be a less fearsome creature that you can enlist to help you put an end to your rat infestation: squirrels.

Can Squirrels Deter Rats?

While they are both rodents, rats are generally afraid of squirrels, and for good reason. Squirrels typically nest in trees and feast on nuts. However, their keen eyesight and high ground advantage allow them to spot small critters, like mice and rats, that may threaten their nest or serve as a nice snack.

However, squirrel vs. rat encounters are not really a common occurrence. Namely because squirrels are only active during the day and nocturnal rats are only active at night. To cross paths, one of creatures would have to be exhibiting unusual behavior. Furthermore, rats will quickly retreat to their nest if they suspect the threatening presence of a squirrel or other predator.

So, can squirrels deter rats? While it’s not unheard of, squirrels are more likely to deter other creatures that are also active during the day, like birds.

Effective Ways to Deter Rats 

Rather than relying on wild squirrels that can quickly become invasive pests themselves, enlist the expert services of a rodent removal professional to quickly resolve your growing rat problem. An experienced rodent removal technician will ensure that all unwanted rodents are permanently removed from your property.

For efficient rodent removal services in the Greater Pittsburgh area, trust the experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Professional Rat Removal Services in Pittsburgh

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, our team of licensed and trained rodent removal technicians will inspect your property to locate, isolate, and remove all nuisance rats. We will also clean and disinfect any harmful contamination the pests left behind, and install preventative measures to ensure a rat infestation does not return.

For more information on our rodent removal services or to schedule an inspection of your Pittsburgh-area property and receive a free rat removal estimate, please call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

What’s the Best Way to Get Rid of Squirrels in Your Yard?

What's the Best Way to Get Rid of Squirrels in Your Yard?

The Greater Pittsburgh area is no stranger to squirrels. While the squirrely critters may seem cute, they can be nightmarish if they ever infest your property. Therefore, it is important to know what to do when you start to notice one too many squirrels gathering around your residence or place of business. Here are a few different ways to get rid of squirrels in your yard or around your Pittsburgh, PA, property.

Top Ways to Get Rid of Squirrels in Your Yard

  • Let Your Pet Loose

Squirrels are very skittish creatures. If they sense danger, they will run far away. One thing they are quite scared of is other animals, particularly ones bigger than them. If you have a dog or cat that loves to chase anything that moves, let your pet loose in your yard to chase your squirrel worries away.

  • Try Cayenne Pepper

If you don’t have a pet but have a well-stocked spice cabinet, try this cheap and easy method for squirrel removal. Squirrels, like most rodents, are very sensitive to smells. Particularly, cayenne pepper will overload a squirrel’s sensory system and make them scatter. Sprinkling some cayenne pepper outside will get rid of squirrels in your yard. Also, adding cayenne pepper on any fruits and vegetables that you’re growing is a great way to prevent squirrels from munching on your home garden.

  • Trim the Trees

Squirrels are most attracted to properties with lots of trees as tree branches allow squirrels to be more mobile and gain access to roofs and attics. Thus, a great way to deter squirrels from your property is by trimming the foliage in your yard, particularly any overhanging tree branches.

While you might find some success trying one of the above methods, they will only offer you temporary squirrel relief. If tenacious, hungry squirrels are relentlessly infesting your property, the most effective way to remove them for good is to call the licensed squirrel removal professionals at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Get Rid of Squirrels in Your Yard with Critter Control® of Pittsburgh

The experienced squirrel removal experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh are equipped to quickly and safely remove any unwanted squirrels from your yard and keep them from coming back. 

Our team of trained technicians will not only remove any nuisance squirrels from your property, but we will also clean up any messes the pests leave behind and install preventative measures to make sure they don’t return, ensuring your property remains squirrel-free.

For more information on our squirrel removal services for residential and commercial properties in the Pittsburgh area, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067 and schedule an inspection of your property to receive a complimentary squirrel removal estimate.

What Is the Best Way to Get Rid of Squirrels In the Attic?

The Steel City may be tough as iron, but no home is immune to the countless squirrel invasions that occur annually in the Greater Pittsburgh area. As Pennsylvania squirrels threaten to insulate your attic, all hope is not lost. We have listed a number of ways to help you drive these fuzzy, yet pesky, rodents out of your attic and back to where the sun shines.

Tips to Get Rid of Squirrels in the Attic

  • Use Chemical Repellents 

Odorous solutions like ammonia or natural repellents scented with predator urine can help get rid of squirrels in the attic. When using these repellents, protect your lungs, hands, and eyes by wearing a mask, gloves, and goggles to avoid irritation in these areas. Your goal is to get the squirrels itching, not yourself.

  • Install Bright Lights

Squirrels are like deer in headlights when exposed to irritatingly shiny objects. To send nesting squirrels scurrying, install motion-activated lights, aluminum foil, or blinking Christmas lights in your attic.

  • Set-up Loud Noisemakers

Battery-operated or non ultrasonic sound transmitters like radios can be an effective way to get rid of squirrels in the attic. Playing a talk show or podcast just loud enough for the squirrels to hear is enough to send these critters crawling outside.

  • Try Baited Squirrel Traps

Only humane squirrel trapping may be legal in your area; therefore, you will want to invest in live-catch squirrel traps. However, getting the right squirrel in the right trap involves using the right bait.

Fortunately, squirrels are attracted to nature’s candy: nuts and fruit. Common pantry or refrigerator items can make for cheap and efficient bait to tempt squirrels in traps. Items likely lying around your kitchen include peanuts, peanut butter, and apple slices.

Place your baited traps near openings or in areas of high squirrel activity. Once the squirrel is hoodwinked into taking the bait, it can be released back to his natural habitat. However, gloves are needed to handle the unpredictable and wild rodents.

While the above tips may provide temporary relief from your squirrel problem, ultimately, your best bet to permanently get rid of squirrels in the attic is to leave it to wildlife removal professionals. Instead of attempting to remove nuisance squirrels on your own, contact the professionals at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh to ensure humane squirrel trapping methods.

Rely on Critter Control® of Pittsburgh to Get Rid of Squirrels in the Attic

For 40 years, the licensed and trained specialists at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh have safely and effectively handled the removal of nuisance squirrels from homes and businesses across the Greater Pittsburgh area. Additionally, we offer attic restoration services for any damages caused by invasive critters.

To schedule an inspection and receive a free estimate for our safe and legal squirrel removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

How Can I Get Rid of Squirrels In My Yard?

How Can I Get Rid of Squirrels In My Yard?

If you live in the Greater Pittsburgh area, then you know it is not uncommon to see squirrels scurrying across your yard, along your fences, and around your trees from time to time. However, a few squirrels in your yard can quickly grow into an out-of-control infestation in a short amount of time. If given time to fester, an abundance of hungry squirrels will destroy your yard, damage your produce, and gnaw their way into your residence.

Ways to Get Rid of Squirrels In Yard

To prevent costly property damage, here are some ways to get rid of squirrels in the yard.

  • Scare Them

Squirrels are incredibly skittish creatures, so one of the best ways to get rid of the pests is by scaring them away. Typical squirrel startling methods include:

  • Installing motion-activated lights or sprinklers
    • Letting your dog or cat chase them around
    • Buying a few garden spinners

  • Use Natural Repellants

There are also a number of smells that you can utilize in order to repel squirrels. Squirrels, like most rodents, are sensitive to smells. Particularly aggressive scents are great for keeping them off of your property. Try applying scents like chili peppers and mint in areas of your yard that squirrels frequent to keep them far away.

  • Remove Sources of Food

If there are squirrels on your property, it is likely because they have found an easily accessible food source. A good way to encourage the pests to leave is by removing their food. You can do so by fencing off your home garden so they can’t eat your crops or by temporarily removing or covering up any bird feeders in your trees.

  • Contact a Squirrel Removal Professional

While natural deterrents may seem like a fast, cheap, and easy way to get rid of squirrels in yard and garden areas, they will only serve as temporary relief from your rodent invasion. Ultimately, the most efficient way to get rid of nuisance squirrels is by calling the squirrel removal professionals at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Get Rid of Squirrels In Your Yard with Critter Control® of Pittsburgh

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, our squirrel removal technicians will expertly remove any squirrels from your property and implement preventative measures to ensure that rodents don’t return. To schedule an inspection of your Pittsburgh-area property and receive a free estimate for our squirrel removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

How to Get Rid of Squirrels in the Garden

How to Get Rid of Squirrels in the Garden

You work hard to make your garden beautiful, but hungry and invasive squirrels can undo all your hard work in a matter of minutes. The nuisance rodents will chew up your produce, uproot plants, and destroy your flower beds as they search for food. Here are a few tips to get rid of squirrels in garden areas around your property.

Tips to Get Rid of Squirrels in Garden

  1. Squirrel-proof Your Garden

Protect your vulnerable plants by covering your garden with bird netting or install chicken wire around its perimeter. You can also place a layer of weed barrier fabric on the soil around your plants to prevent squirrels from digging up bulbs. If you have bird feeders, switch the feed out or install baffles to keep squirrels away.

  1. Clean Up Debris and Trash

Squirrels are attracted to yards that have an abundance of vegetation or easily accessible nuts, fruits, or vegetables. Tidy up your yard, rake up leaves and debris, and keep the garden free of fallen or rotting produce to make your garden less attractive to squirrels. Squirrels are also attracted to garbage, so double bag your waste, lock your lids, or consider storing your trash cans inside.

  1. Scare Squirrels Away

Squirrels are naturally skittish animals that will run when they sense danger. Motion-activated sprinklers will catch them in the act and deter them from digging in your garden. Owls and snakes are natural predators of squirrels. Many home improvement stores sell decoy predators or predator urine that you can strategically place around your yard to frighten nuisance squirrels.

  1. Use Natural Squirrel Repellents

For a more natural approach, consider growing hot peppers in your garden. Squirrels are repulsed by capsaicin, a chemical compound found in spicy vegetables. They will also avoid the overwhelming smells of peppermint and cayenne pepper. These scents are harmless to your surrounding garden, but will keep squirrels far away.

  1. Hire a Squirrel Removal Professional

While the above methods may temporarily remove squirrels, the most effective way to permanently get rid of squirrels on your property is to hire a wildlife removal expert. A licensed and trained wildlife technician will be equipped with the necessary tools and expertise to quickly remove squirrels from your property.

Get Rid of Squirrels in Garden with Critter Control® of Pittsburgh

If you’re dealing with nuisance squirrels on your Pittsburgh property, contact the squirrel removal experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh. Our team of experienced squirrel removal technicians will quickly and safely remove nuisance squirrels and other invasive wildlife from your Pennsylvania property and keep them from returning. To schedule your inspection and receive a free squirrel removal estimate, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

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