Warehouses and Industrial Spaces: Controlling Pests for Safety

Warehouses and Industrial Spaces: Controlling Pests for Safety

Productivity is key when it comes to serving customer expectations, so warehouses and industrial spaces must be kept organized to run efficiently. However, something as tiny as a single invasive pest can have a massive impact on your industrial space’s safety and quality of service. Here is why industrial pest control is so important for your warehouse.

Dangers of Pests in Warehouses

Despite their small size, pests can have severely negative effects on your warehouse’s efficiency.  Some of the biggest dangers of pests in an industrial space include:

  • Property Damage: Pests can potentially ruin your stored products. Insects like termites can chew through packaging as well as wooden beams, putting products and the warehouse’s infrastructure at risk. While other critters such as rodents will often nest in packaging material, contaminating the products inside. Not only will pest infestations lose you revenue with damaged goods, but it can also cost you serious money in property repairs and cleanup costs.
  • Less Productivity and Morale: Seeing pests on the job can be a seriously distracting and unpleasant experience for warehouse employees, and dealing with them will take time away from their busy schedule of prepping products for customers. Having to work around a growing pest problem can severely impact your warehouse’s productivity. Additionally, warehouse employees will not want to and should not have to work in an infested space.
  • Health and Safety Risks: In addition to being a nuisance, pests can cause safety hazards and compromise the health of warehouse employees. Pest feces and urine can become slippery, creating a fall hazard in heavily traveled walkways. Pest droppings can also trigger allergic reactions to those with allergies and respiratory issues. Many pests can also bite, sting and scratch if encountered which could transmit diseases, bacteria, and viruses.

The Problem with Store-Bought Commercial Pest Control

To protect the health and well-being of your employees and keep your warehouse’s reputation intact, you’ll want pest control services that will both treat and prevent any and all pest problems. While store-bought sprays, bombs, and chemical solutions can be temporarily effective, they won’t provide any long-term solutions for your commercial space and could actually create a literal toxic work environment. Instead, you’ll want an industrial control expert with the proper licenses, training and experience to permanently protect your warehouse. Fortunately, Critter Control® of Pittsburgh is here to help.

Trusted Industrial Pest Control for Your Warehouse Space

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, our industrial pest control technicians work fast to eliminate infestations and prevent critters from returning. Our four-step CritterSafe® method uses safe, non-toxic and effective techniques to remove the pests quickly and humanely. This process includes:

  1. Inspection: Our team begins by conducting a thorough walkthrough of your business’ interior and exterior to determine the size and extent of the infestation and determine pest entry points.
  2. Removal: Using non-toxic and eco-friendly practices, we’ll develop a removal plan that fits your budgetary needs.
  3. Restoration: Damages caused by the pest infestation are restored to their original condition.
  4. Exclusion: Entry points are sealed to prevent future pest problems from occurring.

Whether you have an existing pest problem or want to prevent one from developing, rely on the experienced commercial pest control team at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh. To schedule your inspection and receive a free pest control estimate, call us today at 412-767-4067.

Restaurants and Pest Control: Maintaining Hygiene and Compliance

Restaurants and Pest Control: Maintaining Hygiene and Compliance

A pest problem in a restaurant can contaminate food, ruin the establishment’s reputation, and potentially put it out of business. Fortunately, pest control practices are a standard part of health code compliance that help ensure restaurants stay safe and clean for customers to enjoy. Here are some of the signs of restaurant pest infestations and how invasive pests can be combated and removed from your eating establishment.

Signs of Common Restaurant Pests

Because they have an abundant source of easily accessible food, restaurants are a big target of pests like rodents, cockroaches, and ants. However, pests such as beetles, weevils and moths can also enter restaurants through packaged food. If you notice any of the following signs of an infestation, it’s time to  contact professional pest control services:

  • Droppings: Pests will leave droppings or eggs in populated areas, such as the kitchen, bathrooms, and dining rooms.
  • Damaged equipment: Rodents and insects will gnaw through plastic packaging to get access to and contaminate food sources.
  • Strong ammonia smell: Rodent urine gives off a strong ammonia smell, especially when it sits and accumulates.
  • Noises in walls and cabinets: As pests move throughout a restaurant, they will make noticeable scratching, squeaking, and crawling noises.

Restaurant Pest Control Methods

To ensure you maintain hygiene and compliance codes and keep your restaurant pest-free, it’s important to take the following preventative pest control measures:

  • Proper Sanitation: Make sure your food is properly sealed and kept at least six feet off the floor. Follow disposal regulations, and make sure sanitation practices are in place and followed. Keep open food and water sources to a minimum, and regularly sweep floors and tables both in the kitchen and in dining areas.
  • Secure Your Building: Proper structural maintenance ensures pests can’t make their way inside the restaurant. Check your property for vulnerable spots, such as cracks in walls and windows. Keep clutter to a minimum, and ensure your AC is working to avoid excess moisture and humidity.
  • Know the Compliance Checklist: Inspectors will have a thorough list of items to check when inspecting your restaurant for compliance. Get to know these measures to ensure your restaurant passes compliance before inspectors arrive.
  • Keep a Record: To help inspectors with their assessment, it’s important to document your pest control efforts around your restaurant. Keep track of any licenses and insurances, pest control reports, and prior inspections.

Protect Your Restaurant with Critter Control® of Pittsburgh

One of the easiest ways to ensure you’re staying in compliance with your pest control measures is by hiring a pest control professional. A pest control expert will have access to all the proper equipment and methods to keep your business pest-free. If you need professional pest control for your Pittsburgh restaurant, rely on the professionals at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Critter Control® of Pittsburgh uses safe, non-toxic and effective commercial pest control services to prevent and remove pests from your property. Our licensed, trained and experienced team is ready to implement our fast and efficient methods and prevent unwanted pests and wildlife from returning. Call us today at 412-767-4067 to schedule an inspection and receive a free pest control estimate.

Safe Pest Control for Pets: Ensuring Your Furry Friends are Protected

Safe Pest Control for Pets: Ensuring Your Furry Friends are Protected

If you are a pet owner, keeping your furry friends safe is a huge responsibility. Unfortunately, doing so can be difficult if you’re experiencing a pest problem on your property. Traditionally, conventional pest control methods involved toxic chemicals and pesticides that could severely harm curious pets if accidentally ingested. If you’re dealing with unwanted critters, here are some pet-safe pest control tricks you can try that will not hurt your furry friend.

Pet-Safe Pest Control Methods

Having a pet on your property means you have to get creative in keeping pests at bay. Fortunately, these safe pest control tips keep the health of your animal in mind.

  • Spraying water: Sometimes, a blast of water is all it takes to scare off a pest. Many insects in their larvae phase are immobile, meaning they can be taken down with a kitchen sprayer. Sap-sucking insects, such as aphids, whiteflies and mealybugs, are especially vulnerable to a blast of water as are easily skittish raccoons and rodents like yard squirrels.
  • Cleaning up: Another simple solution is to tidy up vulnerable spots in your backyard or kitchen. Debris piles in your yard, a kitchen floor covered in crumbs, or an overflowing trash bin can be a breeding ground for pests. Frequently cleaning and disposing of trash is a long-term pest control practice that can also improve your pet’s health.
  • Trying traps: While most pest traps like snap traps with poisoned bait should never be used if a pet is in the home, other types of traps are pet-safe and effective. Pheromone traps, for example, will use attractants for specific pests but won’t pose a threat to your pet. Just be sure to keep your pets away from these traps as the pests caught inside could harm your pet.
  • Keeping it dry: Moisture is a huge attractant for mosquitoes. Leaky pipes, hot water heaters, and basements are big sources of moisture that creates an environment for pests to thrive. Try to minimize moisture by fixing leaks or drains, and use a dehumidifier when possible.

Pet-Safe Pest Control Providers Near You

While these at-home solutions may provide some relief, pest infestations often require professional solutions. If your pest problem isn’t going away, you’ll want to rely on licensed and trained pest control experts who use safe, non-toxic and eco-friendly methods to keep everyone safe, including your pets. Fortunately, the experienced pest control technicians at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh are ready to help.

The team at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh will safely remove nuisance pests from your property and keep them from returning. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our pet-safe pest control services, call us today at 412-767-4067.

Understanding the Life Cycle of Pests to Disrupt an Infestation

Understanding the Life Cycle of Pests to Disrupt an Infestation

The longer pests are allowed on your property, the more time they have to cause property damage and put you and your loved ones’ health at risk. One of the best pest control methods is understanding their life cycle, so you know the most effective time to strike. Here’s a guide on the life cycle of common household pests and how to use it to combat a growing pest infestation.

Average Life Cycle of Common Pests

Most household pests, such as flies, roaches, mosquitoes and ants, follow this four-step life cycle:

  1. Egg: Female pests will lay eggs in a safe location, such as on plants, in soil, or on food. Most pests will lay hundreds of eggs in their lifetime, from roaches laying up to 50 at once to ants laying up to one million per year.
  2. Larvae: While a pest is in the larva phase, it’s time for them to grow and develop. Maggots, for instance, are an easily recognizable pest that are the larvae of house flies.
  3. Pupa: While in the pupa stage, the larva is non-feeding as it transforms into its adult form. Most pests, including beetles, flies, ants, and bees, go through a pupa stage. This stage of a pest’s life cycle is critical because this is when they’re most vulnerable, so it’s the perfect time to strike against an infestation.
  4. Adult: The adult phase is the final stage of life and is usually when the pests are most active. Adulthood can last from a few days to months. As adults, the pests are now capable of reproducing and starting the life cycle of another generation of pests on your property.

Using the Life Cycle to Fight a Pest Infestation

Understanding a pest’s life cycle is crucial for pest control. It’s a good idea to take care of the pest infestation when they’re most at risk, so you can quickly and effectively get rid of them. The pupa stage or younger is when they’re most likely to be affected by pest control methods, stopping the problem before it starts. Fortunately, you don’t have to deal with pest infestations on your own.

Rely on Pest Control Professionals to Combat a Pest Infestation

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, our licensed and experienced pest control technicians have the knowledge, techniques, and equipment to keep invasive pests away from your property. We use safe, non-toxic, and eco-friendly methods to completely eliminate pest infestations and their contamination, while also restoring and safeguarding your property to prevent future infestations.

To schedule your inspection and receive a free pest control estimate, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

How to Pest-Proof Your Home with DIY Techniques

How to Pest-Proof Your Home with DIY Techniques

While your home may seem pest-proof, all it takes is one small opening for a large pest infestation to begin. It’s important to regularly check your home for areas of exposure, making sure it’s safe and secure from potential pest problems. Here are some DIY pest control methods you can implement to help prevent pests from entering your Pittsburgh property.

Easy DIY Pest Control Techniques

You can pest-proof your home using the following DIY pest control techniques:

  • Check for gaps: Several areas of your home’s exterior can be vulnerable to infestations including the siding, trim, doors, windows, garage door, dryer vents, and foundation. Conduct a walkthrough of the inside and outside of your home to look for any gaps, holes, or openings. Most gaps can be sealed with copper mesh, foam sealant, caulk, and weatherstripping to keep pests out.
  • Get rid of moisture: A wet environment, especially around soil or mulch, provides critical moisture that pests need to thrive. Try to keep the areas around your home as dry as possible. Moisture-wicking soil should be placed away from your home and regularly raked to keep it dry. Bushes and tree limbs should also be trimmed away from the exterior walls of your home, so they don’t create extra moisture or opportunities for pests to access your gutters or roof. Use a dehumidifier in areas like your basement or attic to eliminate water sources for thirsty pests.
  • Eliminate food sources: Your pet food may be eaten by more than just your furry friends. Pet food should never be stored outside. Instead, keep pet food inside in airtight, metal bins. Perishable goods should also be kept in sealed containers that are hard to gnaw through. Double-bag your trash and store your tightly sealed garbage bins in a dry space to prevent unwanted attention from pests.

The Benefits of Hiring Pest Control Experts

While DIY pest control can be effective in preventing intrusions or eliminating small pests, such methods can be ineffective in stopping larger invasive critter issues. To ensure permanent and effective pest control, you’ll want a professional on your side. Fortunately, Critter Control® of Pittsburgh is here to help.

Your Pittsburgh Pest Control Professionals

The experienced pest control technicians at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh will quickly and safely remove nuisance pests from your property and keep them from returning. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our pest control services, call us today at 412-767-4067.

Natural Repellents for Raccoons, Rats, and Squirrels: Keeping Them at Bay

Natural Repellents for Raccoons, Rats, and Squirrels: Keeping Them at Bay

Raccoons, rats, and squirrels are several species of wildlife that are commonly found in the Greater Pittsburgh area. While these critters generally keep their distance from humans, they can become a nuisance if they wander into your property in search of food. Here are some natural pest control repellents to help keep these pests away from your property.

Natural Pest Control Repellents for Invasive Critters

If you suspect raccoons, rats, or squirrels have made a home in your house or backyard, try some of the following natural, non-invasive methods.

  • Keep your yard clean: Discourage local wildlife from taking a snack from your garden by quickly harvesting any ripe produce. Also, be sure to pick up any nuts, acorns, or rotting produce that falls off nearby trees. If you have pets, remove their bowls from your porch and keep their food in a sealed container inside your home. Your trash and compost bins should also be tightly sealed with lockable lids so critters can get inside them.
  • Use pepper: Red pepper flakes can easily be sprinkled into your soil to keep unwanted wildlife away. The heat from the strong peppery scent will discourage pests with sensitive noses from digging around, and it won’t affect how your plants grow.
  • Hang some soap: Strong-smelling soap or diluted dish detergent is overwhelming to several of these critters’ noses. Place a bar or cup of soap near their known nesting grounds to drive them off your property.
  • Scare them off: Most wild animals are skittish and will run away if they feel threatened. Use this to your advantage by installing motion-activated lights or sprinklers that can catch them in the act. Rubber snakes and decoy owls can also mimic their natural predators and help to scare them away.

Benefits of Professional Pest Control Services

While the above natural pest control repellents may temporarily prevent pests like raccoons, rats, and squirrels from nesting on your property, such outdated DIY methods will do little to stop a full blown infestation. The only permanent way to keep pests away is by hiring professional pest control services. If you have a wildlife issue or want to prevent one from starting, rely on the professionals at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Your Greater Pittsburgh Area Pest Control Professionals

The licensed and experienced pest control technicians at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh will quickly and safely remove invasive wildlife from your Pennsylvania property and keep them from returning. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate, call us today at 412-767-4067.

Home Remedies for Common Pest Problems: Tried and Tested Solutions

Home Remedies for Common Pest Problems: Tried and Tested Solutions

The last thing you want in your Pittsburgh home is unwelcome pests or wildlife. A pest infestation can interrupt your daily life, causing property damage and posing a health risk to you and your loved ones. Fortunately, there are some helpful home remedies for pest control that you can try.

Natural Home Remedies for Pest Control

Your kitchen is not only stocked with food for you and your family, but also with plenty of at-home pest control methods. Some effective home remedies for pest control include:

  • Coffee grounds: Coffee grounds are fatal to some insects and a strong deterrent for other unwanted wildlife. Instead of throwing out your coffee grounds, sprinkle them around areas that are frequented by pests.
  • Essential oils: Several essential oils, including clove, eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint, are a natural deterrent for common pests. Mix one of these oils with water and mist around your flower beds and window sills to keep nuisance pests at bay.
  • Garlic and mint: If you’re seeing pests in your backyard, boil a mixture of mint leaves, garlic cloves, cayenne pepper with dish soap to create a spray mixture that will drive pests away. This natural solution is safe for your garden and will keep insects out while not interfering with your plants’ growth.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Fruit flies are a common nuisance, especially during warmer months. Fill a funnel-shaped bottle with apple cider vinegar and dish soap to lure flies away from your kitchen and into this trap.
  • Borax and sugar: If you’re dealing with ants, ½ cup of sugar mixed with a cup of warm water and two tablespoons of Borax will help combat the problem. However, make sure to keep this solution away from children and pets, as it can be dangerous if accidentally ingested.

While these home remedies for pest control may be temporarily effective, they won’t provide you with a long-term pest control solution. The best way to permanently get rid of unwanted pests is by calling the professionals at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Professional Pest Control Services Near You

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, we employ a proven, four-step, pest control process that uses non-toxic and eco-friendly methods to permanently eliminate nuisance pest infestations. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our pest control services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

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