When Should I Call a Professional When Dealing with Wildlife Intrusions

When encountering wildlife intrusions on your Pittsburgh property, you may think you can take care of it yourself. However, wild animals are unpredictable and dangerous, especially when cornered or threatened. Instead of relying on DIY wildlife removal methods, here is why you should call a professional to handle a wildlife intrusion in your home or business.

When to Call About Wildlife Intrusions

It is important to call a wildlife removal professional as soon as you notice unwanted wildlife inside your property. Invasive pests like rats, bats, squirrels, and raccoons love to nest and breed in attics, basements, or even within walls because of the dark concealment and easy food and water access each location provides. Even if intrusive animals are discovered in a surrounding area, like a shed or crawlspace, it’s important to call wildlife professionals.

Ultimately, you don’t know how long a critter has been living on your property. To minimize the risks to your health and your home’s infrastructure, it’s important to stop a wildlife infestation quickly before the pests have a chance to spread their contamination. The sooner you call an animal removal expert, the sooner the problem can be dealt with.

The Advantages of Professional Wildlife Removal Methods

Attempting DIY or at-home methods to deal with your wildlife intrusions may seem helpful, but they often only worsen the problem. Many methods are inhumane or involve dangerous chemicals that put you, your loved ones, and the animal at risk.

Instead of handling it yourself, rely on the professional team at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh to handle any wildlife intrusions on your Greater Pittsburgh area property. Our licensed and trained team of experts have access to safe and eco-friendly methods that ensure the animal is removed efficiently and permanently. Our four-step process includes:

  1. Inspection –Our experts begin by carefully examining your property’s interior and exterior to determine the size and extent of the wildlife intrusion.
  2. Removal –Using non-toxic and humane practices, the invasive pests are completely removed.
  3. Restoration –Any property damages caused by the infestation are repaired and restored to their original condition.
  4. Exclusion –Entry points are permanently sealed to prevent any wildlife from returning.

Pittsburgh’s Wildlife Intrusion Removal Experts

The experienced team at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh will quickly and safely remove nuisance pests from your property and keep them out. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our wildlife intrusion removal services, call 412-767-4067 today.

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Keep them out.
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