Is Bat Removal Covered by Homeowners Insurance?

Is Bat Removal Covered by Homeowners Insurance?

Bats are important to our ecosystem. The flying mammals help balance invasive insect populations and assist with pollination. While bats can be beneficial to the environment, the one place they should never be is inside your home.

However, bat control is a complicated process due to their protected status and can become costly if the critters are left to roost and contaminate your property for too long. To offset the costs, you may be wondering if bat removal is covered by your homeowners insurance.

Does homeowners insurance cover bat removal?

Homeowners insurance doesn’t cover removal for most nuisance wildlife, including bats; while it can be annoying, most policies believe infestations are a normal part of home ownership and could be prevented with routine maintenance; wear-and-tear is another broad category that usually excludes pest removal and remediation from its policies

While bat removal isn’t covered, damages caused by a bat infestation fall in a legal gray area. That is because bats are not considered “vermin,” which would exclude them from many insurance firm’s policies. While it is a possibility your insurance could pay, it’s highly uncommon.

The Damages Caused by Bats

While these tiny critters may seem harmless, bats can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time.

  • Property damage – Bat will leave scratch marks on wood panels, beams, and furniture.
  • Structural damage – Bat feces, or guano, is toxic and leaves an unpleasant ammonia-like smell. If left untreated, it can discharge spores that can lead to food and water contamination and several health issues including histoplasmosis.
  • Physical harm – While bats are normally docile creatures, they can bite or scratch if they feel threatened.

Bats are protected animals that require expert removal. If you notice bats on your Pittsburgh property, it’s best to have them professionally removed right away. Fortunately for homeowners, the bat removal experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh are here to help.

Effective and Affordable Pittsburgh Bat Removal

The experienced bat removal technicians at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh will quickly and safely remove nuisance bats and other invasive wildlife from your Pennsylvania property. Instead of using methods that are harsh, dangerous, or illegal, our team of wildlife experts utilize a four-step method that is safe and humane.

After providing a free inspection to determine the size and extent of the infestation, we’ll provide you with a removal plan that fits your schedule and budget. We use eco-friendly exclusion methods to trap and lure all the bats out. Afterwards, any entry points will be sealed up to keep the bats from returning and we’ll help restore any property damage the pests caused.

To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our effective bat removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

How to Get Rid of Bats in the Home

How to Get Rid of Bats in the Home

Essential to our ecosystem, bats are creatures of the night that often look for shelter in the caves, trees, and bushes, as well as overpasses and parking structures. However, they may also roost in the attics and lofts of residential homes and commercial buildings.

If your Greater Pittsburgh area home has been infiltrated by bats, then removing them can be a difficult process. Here are a few of the dangers caused by invasive bats and ways to get rid of bats in your home.

The Common Dangers of Nuisance Bats

As soon as a bat enters your home, it’s best to get rid of them before they =can cause serious property damage. Bat guano and urine can run the insulation and drywall of your home over time because of their high levels of acidity. Bat waste can stain walls and polished surfaces like marble and glass. Their contaminated droppings are also a health risk to your family and pets as they can carry and transmit diseases such as histoplasmosis and rabies.

5 Ways to Get Rid of Bats from Your Pittsburgh Home

Bats often end up inside homes by accident. If you’re dealing with bats in your home, here are some ways to drive them away.

  1. Aluminum and mirrors – Aluminum foil and mirrors reflect light, which can irritate and scare bats away. You can hang aluminum foil and mirrors around your attic and shine a light on them during the day when the bats are asleep.

  2. Cinnamon – Bats have a keen and sensitive sense of smell. Placing cinnamon powder around your home can deter bats since the smell irritates them.

  3. Mothballs – Mothballs have a chemical odor that bothers bats. Homeowners can hang them around Pittsburgh property to keep bats away.

  4. White phenol – Since bats have a strong sense of smell, they find phenol’s odor disturbing.
  5. Bat removal professionals – Because there are protective laws on how to handle and remove bats, do not attempt to remove them on your own. The best way to get rid of bats from your Pittsburgh home is to call your local wildlife removal experts.

Professional Bat Removal Services in Pittsburgh

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, we specialize in humane and legal bat removal services. Our wildlife experts are licensed and trained in effective and safe bat removal methods that consist of the following four-steps:

  1. Inspection – During your free consultation, one of our experienced bat removal technicians will thoroughly inspect your property to determine the size of the bat infestation.
  2. Exclusion – Our technician will use our humane bat removal methods to carefully exclude unwanted bats from your Pittsburgh property.
  3. Prevention – Once our expert resolves the bat infestation, they will seal off all entry points to permanently keep the bats away.
  4. Restoration – Our final step is to clean and repair any residual damage or contamination left by the bats.

To permanently solve your bat problem, contact the bat removal experts from Critter Control® of Pittsburgh. Our experienced and equipped wildlife removal technicians will quickly and safely remove nuisance bats and other wildlife from your Pennsylvania property and keep them from returning.

To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our efficient bat removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

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