How Do You Get Rid of a Woodpecker?

How Do You Get Rid of a Woodpecker?

Infamous for their obnoxious pecking noises, woodpeckers are capable of creating large holes in your home and the surrounding trees on your property, allowing other pests to make their way into your space. Addressing a woodpecker problem immediately with proven woodpecker removal methods is essential to ending it and preventing further infestations.

Here are some ways to get rid of a woodpecker before they can cause serious damage to your home. 

The Damaging Effects of Woodpeckers

Woodpeckers are very persistent and territorial birds. After creating a hole in a tree or other wooden structure, the birds will tend to stay at that specific spot, making deeper holes and allowing other pests to reside in that area. Along with the structural issues they may cause to your home, their annoying pecking noises are loud and consistent. The safe and fast removal of a woodpecker is important to avoid issues with other invasive pests, safeguard the structural integrity of your home, and preserve your peace of mind.

D.I.Y. Methods of Woodpecker Removal

Several methods you can try to remove woodpeckers from your property include:

  1. Removing any food sources that may be attracting woodpeckers to your home. This includes treating and eliminating any existing insect infestations that may be drawing the woodpeckers to your home and property.

  2. Using shiny objects and noises to scare off the nuisance birds. Woodpeckers are afraid of shiny materials like tin foil and any noisy objects like wind chimes that may sound like predators.

  3. Sealing up any holes in your home. As soon as you’ve noticed any exposed holes that woodpeckers have drilled into your home, seal them up to prevent other pests from residing in them.

While the most effective method to get rid of a woodpecker is to call a woodpecker removal professional, it is always good to try a combination of the above D.I.Y. woodpecker removal methods to see if the problem can be resolved on its own while you await inspection by a bird removal professional.

Professionally Get Rid of a Woodpecker with Critter Control® of Pittsburgh

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, our top priority is to efficiently and safely remove unwanted pests from your home and property. Dealing with any invasive animals can be dangerous to attempt on your own, so rely on our licensed and trained experts to take care of the problem for you. For all your Pittsburgh wildlife infestation issues, call 412-767-4067 to schedule an inspection and receive a free estimate.

How Do You Get Woodpeckers to Stop Pecking at Your House?

How Do You Get Woodpeckers to Stop Pecking at Your House?

There are over 400 species of bird in Pennsylvania. When it comes to being a nuisance to Greater Pittsburgh area homeowners, woodpeckers top the list. Woodpeckers are known for loudly pecking on trees as well as residential homes, which can lead to costly damages and entry points for other pests to crawl inside. In fact, area homeowners have found invasive birds nesting inside their attics or perched on their roofs. If you have a woodpecker constantly pecking at your home, here is what you need to know to stop them.

Why Woodpeckers Peck at Homes

Here are four reasons why woodpeckers peck on homes:

  1. Woodpeckers attract a mate with a loud noise proclaiming their territory.
  2. Woodpeckers make a nest, especially at the beginning of the breeding season (April thru May).
  3. Woodpeckers eat insects that are inside small holes on the wall.
  4. Woodpeckers store food in the holes and walls of residential homes.

How to Stop Woodpeckers from Pecking at Your Home

One way to stop woodpeckers from pecking on your home is by changing your home’s exterior characteristics. Woodpeckers are less likely to damage lighter colored aluminum and vinyl sidings. Homeowners have found that using strips of aluminum foil, reflective tape, balloons, and windsocks help to deter woodpeckers from their homes.

Safe and Legal Woodpecker Removal Methods

DIY bird removal is a temporary solution to a bigger problem. Removing birds from unwanted areas is a task for professionals since there are laws that protect some bird species. At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, we have a team of woodpecker removal technicians that have the knowledge and equipment to remove any wild bird from your Greater Pittsburgh home. Our wildlife experts use a proven, four-step method that is both humane and safe. Our method includes:

  1. Inspection – Our woodpecker technician will thoroughly examine your property to determine the severity of the infestation.
  2. Removal – We will carefully remove the bird using safe and legal removal methods.
  3. Prevention – To prevent future pest infestations, our technician will seal all entry points around your property.
  4. Restoration – Our final step is to clean and repair all damages caused by the nuisance bird.

Professional Woodpecker Removal Services in Pittsburgh

With federal laws, such as the Migratory Bird Act, protecting some bird species, it’s best to leave any bird removal to the professionals at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh. Our woodpecker removal experts will quickly and safely remove the nuisance bird and other invasive wildlife from your Greater Pittsburgh commercial or residential property. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our humane and efficient woodpecker removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

3 Effective Bird Removal Remedies

3 Effective Bird Removal Remedies

Everyday, there are hundreds of birds that fly over the Pennsylvania cities. Often, they take shelter in residential homes and commercial buildings. Homeowners overlook birds as potential invasive pests until they find birds perched on their homes or nesting inside their attic. Once there’s a bird inside your home, it’s important to remove them before they can cause significant property damage or hatch their young.

If you discover birds on or inside your Greater Pittsburgh area property, there are a couple of effective bird removal remedies that you can try.

Reliable Bird Removal Tips

Aside from their incessant squawking in the morning, birds are known for damaging the crops in gardens and leaving odorous droppings on walls and vehicles. To prevent nuisance birds from contaminating your property with noise and waste, you can:

  1. Install shiny objects. Placing shiny objects, such as mirrors and CDs, in nesting areas can deter nuisance birds from returning since the reflection of the objects can disorient them.
  2. Try DIY repellents. The foods and spices in your pantry are great natural bird repellents. A common bird deterrent method some homeowners use includes a solution made of chopped and boiled jalapenos in water or vinegar. You can scatter this spicy mixture in areas where birds have been a problem. Other bird removal solutions involve installing bird spikes, decoy owls, or spraying a sticky mixture of honey and water on window sills, along rooftops, or near problematic bird nesting areas.
  3. Contact bird removal professionals. While the methods above are simple and cost-efficient, they are only a temporary fix. Furthermore, some birds are protected by the Migratory Bird Act and must be handled by professionals. Therefore, it’s essential that you don’t attempt bird removal on your own. For a legal and permanent solution to your bird problem, the best bird removal remedy is contacting your local wildlife removal professionals.

Professional Bird Removal Services in Pittsburgh

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, our licensed and trained technicians use a proven CritterSafe® method to permanently remove birds from your Greater Pittsburgh area property. Our wildlife experts have been following this safe and humane, four-step bird removal process for decades.

  1. Inspection – We thoroughly examine your home to determine the size of the bird infestation.
  2. Removal – Our expert technician will carefully remove the nuisance bird from the area.
  3. Exclusion – We will seal all entry points around the home to prevent future birds from entering.
  4. Restoration – Our team cleans and repairs all contamination and damages caused by the birds.

With federal laws protecting a variety of birds, you should play it safe by contacting the experienced bird removal experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh to remove nuisance birds from your Greater Pittsburgh area home or business and keep them from returning.

To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our bird removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

How Do I Get Rid Of Birds?

How Do I Get Rid Of Birds?

Pennsylvania is home to over 400 species of birds. Typically, birds are seen flying around or perched on a building; however, some birds will make your Pennsylvania property their new place to nest. Whether it be in your backyard, outside your window, or inside your attic, nuisance birds can be a significant disturbance to your daily life. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the damages birds can cause to residential and commercial properties and how you can legally get rid of birds from your Greater Pittsburgh area home or business.

Common Damages Caused by Birds

Whether your nuisance bird is big or small, it can pose a threat to you and your property. Some of the disturbances birds can cause include:

  1. Damaged crops – Birds will eat your fruits and vegetables and cause other damage to your garden or yard.
  2. Property damage – When birds nest in your home, they can cause structural damage to your roof, soffits, or wherever their nest is located.
  3. Contamination – Birds will litter your roof, walls, attic, and vehicles with white and odorous droppings.
  4. Loud singing – Often the first sign of a nuisance bird problem, birds will incessantly sing and squawk during early morning and daytime hours—keeping you from sleeping and working.

3 Ways to Get Rid of Birds

There are a few ways you can prevent your Pennsylvania home or business from becoming a nuisance bird nesting ground:

  1. Shiny objects – Installing shiny objects near common nesting spots will produce a reflection that discourages birds to return to the area. For example, you could use aluminum foil, CDs, cans, small mirrors, etc. as means for deterring birds from nesting on your property.
  2. Decoy predators – Cats, owls, and larger birds of prey are natural predators of smaller birds. By using wooden decoys to simulate the presence of these predators, you can deter nuisance birds from nesting nearby.
  3. Bird repellants – Garden balls, repellant sprays, and bird spikes are effective, man-made bird deterrents that can be used to keep birds from perching and nesting in your garden or trees.

While these are all safe methods that can be implemented with little to no cost, they are not permanent solutions to persistent bird issues. If the nuisance birds are not deterred away, the best and most effective step you should take is to call the wildlife professionals at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Greater Pittsburgh Area Bird Removal Services

If nuisance birds have become an annoyance to you and your property, contact the licensed and trained wildlife removal experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh. Our experienced pest removal technicians will quickly and safely remove nuisance birds from your Pennsylvania property and keep them from returning with our trusted, four-step CritterSafe® bird removal method that covers everything from inspection to restoration of your property. 

To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our humane and efficient bird removal services, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

How to Deter Birds From Your Pittsburgh Property

How to Deter Birds From Your Pittsburgh Property

Birds may be small and seem unimposing with their beautiful colors and pleasant songs, but don’t be fooled by their innocent stature. Behind the scenes of their orchestra, pest birds like starlings and house sparrows can inflict many destructive habits on your Greater Pittsburgh area home or business. To return the peace to your Pittsburgh property, here are some ways to deter birds.

5 Common Problems Caused by Nuisance Birds

Before you dismiss the need to deter birds from your Pittsburgh property, consider the common problematic effects they can cause. When left to nest in or around your Pittsburgh home or business, birds can:

  1. Leave droppings on your vehicles, walkways, and walls of your property’s exterior
  2. Create fire hazards by blocking ventilation ducts with their nests
  3. Disturb sleep or productivity with their incessant chirping
  4. Eat crops and wreck vegetation
  5. Transmit diseases or ectoparasites such as histoplasmosis

You may get by for a while by not managing the situation and hoping they’ll fly away, but these risks are simply not worth the stress. Instead, you can try the following steps to deter birds from nesting around your Pittsburgh property.

How to Legally Deter Birds From Invading Your Pittsburgh Home or Business

Because many bird species are federally protected by the Migratory Bird Act, you must tread lightly when taking measures to deter birds from your property. It is illegal to disturb or move an active bird’s nest, so preventative efforts must be made around this. The bird removal specialists of Critter Control® of Pittsburgh have arranged a list of legal measures for you to try:

  • Remove any birdhouses, birdbaths, or bird feeders from outside your property.
  • Reduce the amount of bird nesting zones by trimming tree limbs, bushes, and other vegetation.
  • Install a “scarebird” — a plastic owl decoy that repels nuisance birds.

Once you have taken these measures, your property will not be as appealing to birds. However, if these animals have already settled in your property, then do not make any rash decisions that can put you in legal trouble. Disturbing or harming birds in an attempt to remove them can cost you up to $15,000 in fines and up to six months in jail. Instead, rely on the licensed team of bird removal professionals at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Schedule a Safe and Legal Bird Removal With Critter Control® of Pittsburgh

As pleasant as birds may be to view and hear in the wild, their sounds may not always be welcome inside Pittsburgh residences and businesses. Fortunately, the certified wildlife experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh are trained and equipped to remove nuisance birds safely and legally from your property, relocate them to a secure place, and professionally install preventative measures to deter them from returning.

To schedule a free inspection of your property, call Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067.

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