What Plants Keep Rats Away?

Pittsburgh residences and businesses are not immune to rat infestations. Fortunately, there are a few things you can try to prevent a rat outbreak from happening. For example, there are many plants that can naturally aid in rat prevention. Here are some of the plants that you can utilize to keep rats away from your Pittsburgh property.

Plants to Keep Rats Away

In addition to flowers like daffodils and chrysanthemums, you can try planting the following plants with scents that rats hate

  • Garlic –Your home garden or spice rack may have a quick solution to your growing rat problem. While the pungent smell of garlic may be mouthwatering to humans, the scent is incredibly abrasive to rats. So you might want to start growing it to keep rats away from your home.

  • Onions –Similar to garlic, rats despise the smell of onions. However, you can utilize onions for rat prevention without growing it in your garden. Simply place a few slices of raw onion outside around your home to help drive rats far from your property.

  • Lavender –If vegetable growing isn’t your thing, consider planting some lavender around your home to keep rats away. The sweet and lovely flower is sure to leave your home smelling wonderful. However, rats will stay far away, as lavender is another one of the many scents that the nuisance rodents can’t stand.

Why Plants Only Provide Temporary Rat Relief

While these plants may help to some extent as a rat preventative, they won’t do much to get rid of an established rat infestation. If you are dealing with a rat infestation, it is important that you contact a rat removal professional to get the job done instead of risking your health by attempting to rat or remove rats on your own. For fast and effective rat relief, trust the licensed and trained experts at Critter Control® of Pittsburgh.

Keep Rats Away with Critter Control® of Pittsburgh

At Critter Control® of Pittsburgh, our pest prevention services are guaranteed to be more effective than DIY efforts. Our team of experienced rat removal professionals are equipped with everything needed to provide you with a thorough and efficient rat removal service that will get rid of rats and keep them away, permanently.

For more information on our safe and affordable rat removal services, contact Critter Control® of Pittsburgh today at 412-767-4067 to schedule an inspection of your property and receive a free rat removal estimate.

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